7 Signs That Your Job Interview Went Well

The most common question that comes in your mind just after a job interview is “How was my interview?” and to be honest there is no certain way of answering that because it is not just one but many factors that affect your job interview! Sometimes you have positive signs that you did very well;  in other cases, it can be very confusing as well.


No matter what outcome, always consider a job interview as a learning experience for your future. It is better to always trust your gut and follow the judgement without any second guesses. Rejections are not the end of the career rather it gives you an opportunity to improve your job skills, further get some job interview tips.

Signs to judge the outcome of your job interview:

The casual conversation led to longer duration

It is a known fact that the hiring process is a time-consuming task. Hiring managers initially start looking with some specific job skills and later proceed with the interview. Engaging an interviewer in the conversation can be a positive sign and when the conversation turns a bit casual that generally means that the employers are impressed by your skills and are further interested in hiring you!

Invitation for the second interview

This is more of an obvious sign that you performed well in your job interview and the hiring manager is further interested in you as a prospective employee. The key here is to not to go easy on yourself and prepare well for the second interview. It is also highly suggested to constantly be aware of certain questions to ask in an interview which can show your interest in the company and dedication towards the job.

Opportunities are discussed

Hiring managers usually use uncertain vocabulary during an interview but the use of words such as ‘when’ rather than ‘if’ indicates a strong inclination towards your selection. The interviewer might ask your future plans for the company or specifically for the position you are applying for, this is most likely a sign that they are already counting you as a part of this team and looking forward to your inputs.

Talks about salary and perks

When the interviewer discusses the salary with you, they are definitely looking to your expectations towards the same company which is again another positive sign and the moment you are informed about the perks of the available position, it can be another indication that the employer is trying to persuade you towards the company. Incentives such as good insurance, high commission are always huge motivating factors which can surely influence your decision about the job.

Introduced you the team members

Getting to interact with other team members helps the employer understand how well you will fit in the company and in the team at the same time that also helps you get acquainted with the work environment of the company. In case you are meeting with the senior management, that can be a good sign that the interviewer was surely impressed by your job skills and wants the additional opinion.

Clarity of next steps

The usual response after an interview is, “We will let you know” but in a case when the interviewer vividly tells you about a clear next step it can certainly increase your chances in the selection. For example, the interviewer responds with, “We shall be in touch”, “We will contact you soon” or else they start talking about your possible joining date and availability.

Use of positive responses

Except for a few answers, there are no particular right answers for your interview. Body language and responses of the interviewer can also tell you a lot about how it is going. Positive feedback during the conversation and interviewer showing a consistent interest in your responses is surely a positive sign!


As said, all of these are merely suggestions and nothing can truly help you to be certain about the result of your job interview except for the actual offer letter from the company. The best way to learn is to observe and improve from your own mistakes.

Do you have an interview coming up? Read our interview tips to ensure it’s a success:

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